Friday, December 21, 2012

Massachusetts Schools Go 1:1

I am not sure if anyone actually keeps these numbers, but according to a recent panel discussion I attended on “Learning in a 1:1 Environment,” nearly every school district is “somewhere along the spectrum of a 1:1 environment.”

The occasion of that claim was the Technology Director Event, sponsored by the Massachusetts Educational Technology Administrators Association (METAA), at Regis College. The theme for the day was “Professional Development:  How do we deliver quality professional development that helps us create compelling learning environments that make full use of the digital tools available to our students and educators.”
(See my complete blog on the topic at

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Linking Total Compensation to Performance

Many workforce experts expect this to be the year that the economy finally turns around. That means more jobs, of course. But for many organizations, it also means making up for lost wages and benefits. After all, employees in many industries and at all levels have been asked to do more, and often for little or no additional reward.
Still, budgets are tight, and companies need to get the maximum productivity possible. That is driving an increased focus on total compensation management programs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Act NOW: 2012 is the Year of the Corporate Bond

Forget the 50th movie anniversary of Ian Fleming’s famous British spy – 2012 will be better remembered as the year of the corporate bond. 

As of mid-October, market data reveals that $1.182 trillion worth of corporate bonds had already been issued by public companies in 2012. That sets a record high, and marked only the third time that bond issuance has topped $1 trillion in a given year. The last time was in 2009, with the then-record of $1.03 trillion.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Educators Embrace Social Networks

Educators are embracing social media in a big way, but they continue to have large concerns about the mixing of professional and personal lives online, according to a recent study on educators and social networking.
The study was conducted by MMS Education Inc., an educational research company in Newtown, Pa., in an attempt to gauge how social networking practices have changed over the past three years. One of the most significant findings was the increased number of educators who now have profiles on LinkedIn -- more than triple the number from 2009, from 14 percent to 45 percent.

(See my complete blog on the topic at

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mobile Demand Fueling App Developer Shortage

If you ask digital directors at leading organizations what the next evolutionary step is for the Internet, they probably don't actually talk about the Web. Instead, they most likely talk about applications and devices. They also probably say that app developers are becoming worth their weight in gold.

That is certainly the case with Cameron Clayton, president of the digital group at The Weather Channel in Atlanta. The Weather Channel has the second most downloaded app on the iPad and the fifth most downloaded app on the iPhone. Clayton obviously knows the demand for mobile application development -- and developers.

(See my complete blog on the topic on

Ed Tech's Attention Deficit

Nobody loves a tech toy more than a tech guy... or gal. But the love of gadgets should not preclude common courtesy or stand in the way of a valuable real-life learning experience.
This scenario was presented to me recently, when I attended the MassCUE educational technology conference in Foxboro, Mass. The problem: Devices had literally taken over the event, and attention spans had been checked at the door. Too many eyes were glued to personal handheld devices and tablets -- certainly not to speakers or one another.

(See my complete blog on the topic on

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wanted: Good Times With Google Docs

On the surface, there are certainly plenty of reasons to like Google Docs, but many schools are having trouble implementing the platform. Don't let these challenges trip you up.

An increasing number of school districts are embracing Google Docs as the platform of choice for creating and sharing classroom assignments. The platform includes collaboration tools for students; peer editing features; revision histories that track all contributors and contributions; and real-time teacher feedback on assignments in progress. Some school districts are using Google Docs as an alternative email system as well.

(Read my complete blog on the topic at

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Eurozone Debt Crisis: "In Case of Emergency"

"Treasury and financial professionals prepare for the breakup of the euro"

In the wake of recent events in Greece and Spain, world banking officials and goverment leaders are still wrestling with how to stop financial hemorrhaging in European Union economics. As a result, a growing number of global companies are taking aggressive steps to assess, monitor, and protect their European assets in what appears to be a future beyond anyone's ability to predict or control."

Read my full article in the July issue of Exchange magazine, published by the Association of Financial Professionals

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Find Out What Parents Think About Educational Technology: Ask Them

An online survey is a great tool for finding out what parents know about how technology is being used in schools and how districts might improve.

Read my entire blog on the topic on

Monday, July 23, 2012

WAN Managers See New Opportunities in ‘Hybrid IT’

WAN managers already have many of the skills to enable them to succeed in a field that might seem very different at first: social media marketing.

See my complete blog on the topic on

Monday, July 16, 2012

Demand, Salaries Rising for Networking Pros

Despite continued lackluster labor reports from the federal government, nearly all job forecasts still expect increased hiring demand for networking professionals over the next decade. That comes as great news for those in the ranks now, as salaries will also increase with that rising tide.

Read my complete blog on the topic on

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Network Managers Can Make Themselves Less Scary

I read with some amusement recently that the most feared person in the IT ranks is the network administrator.

See my complete blog on the topic at

White House Budget for Educational Technology Flounders

With the recent crushing defeat of President Obama's 2013 budget proposals, it remains to be seen how much will survive of initiatives to increase spending on educational technology for the coming fiscal year.

See my complete blog on